Erasmus +
Love music, love yourself!

What is our project about
This year Zespół Szkół nr 24 in Bydgo.szcz begins 2-year adventure with the Erasmus + program. This is a strategic partnership carried out in colaboration with 4 partners. Our two-year cooperation will include four schools and the NGO Association for Sustainable Development ARS PUBLIKA from the Republic of North Macedonia. The other partner schools are from Turkey, Romania and Spain.
The main assumption of the project is to show the therapeutic influence of music on the development of a young person. Music not only develops our artistic and aesthetic sensitivity, but also supports learning processes. It increases the efficiency and speed of acquiring foreign languages, has a positive effect on the results of students in science, as well as supports memory and concentration.
The entire project is a series of innovative activities in an international company. At the end of February 2022, we plan to welcome our partners to an organizational meeting to be held in Poland. However, we are all waiting the most for two exchanges with the participation of young people. Each exchange will take 5 days. We plan to go to Romania in 2022, and to Turkey in the next one.

Nasi Partnerzy
our partners