cooperation with other institutions
Crucial cooperations!
Throughout the whole length of the project it was crucial to establish cooperation with institutions which added a great value to the implementation of the project. Ceip Inspector Joan Capo Spain started a cooperation with the Municipal Conservatory in order to form an instrumental ensemble at school and contribute to the democratization of artistic practice, to create the bonds and to generate new opportunities between citizens and students with diverse socio-cultural backgrounds.They purchased violins and extracurricular activities were organized for all students at the school. From Oct 1, 2022 and Dec 1, 2023, Grigore Moisil Secondary School ran musical activities in partnership with Paul Constantinescu Philharmony from Ploiesti, to support non-formal education by promoting classical music, jazz music and folk music. The objectives of getting familiar with the instruments of orchestra, awakening interest in classical music, knowing the instruments of the orchestra,grouping of the instruments.Excelsis Secondary School Ploiesti cooperated with Grigore Moisil School during the LTTA in Romania. Music/piano teachers prepared a piano workshop for the guests participants. They prepared exhibition of string/wind/brass instruments. Zespół Szkół nr 24 started a cooperation with the local Pomerianian Philharmony to organise school concert-type lessons and music educational workshops to promote classical music among students and to introduce alternative forms of education. The concerts were led by professional educators and musicians and focused on Polish classical music. The themes were related to Polish customs and traditions . We took part in music workshops once a month. We aimed to develop a life-long interest in classical music with the increase of self-esteem and self-control in terms of communication and behaviour. Municipal Center for Teacher Education in Bydgoszcz- the cooperation was established in October 2021. The involved teams got help from experienced colleagues and we shared project results. The formation of the network was supported by the patronage of the Regional Erasmus Information Centre. Following the formation of the network, on 27 Oct 2021,the project coordinator took part in a conference of the Regional Point of the NA for Erasmus + Program. On 18 Oct2022, we took part in eTwinning conference and workshop and 10-11 th Oct in conference in Olsztyn where we disseminated the project results. Zespół Szkłół nr 24 cooperated with the Theater Polski with regards to costume rental. During various activities related to the project we used traditional Polish costumes. Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz provided us with experts when it came to teacher trainings. Mrs Lidia Stróżecka a lecturer at the Music Education Departament led the workshops "Elements of Music therapy for teachers". Associaton Ars Publika was working with the City High School “Zef Lush Marku”. NGO established a cooperation with teachers. They had an online meeting where main objectives of the project were introduced. Regarding IO output they took in consideration the opinion of the pedagogical staff( psychologist). It helped in establishing the narrative of guideline (IO). Students and teacher participated in the project activities. Ars Publika as responsible for IO “The basics of Music Therapy for SEN students” interviewed SEN experts/ profesors from Akdeniz University/Turkey.

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