Love music love yourself
Kick-off meeting

in zs 24 in Bydgoszcz, poland
Kick-off-meeting took place between 8-10 June 2022 in Poland. At the activities organised by Zespół Szkół nr 24 in Bydgoszcz participated 2 teachers from Romania, Spain, North Macedonia, 3 teachers from Turkey and 5 teachers from the host organisation. The activities organised followed the objectives contained in the registration form and took place mainly at the school.
The program of activities included:
Customary welcome of the guests by by students dressed in traditional noble folk costumes from the Theatre Polski in Bydgoszcz, accompanied by a traditional musical instrument – an accordion. In accordance with Polish traditions, the host party welcomed the guests with bread and salt.
The Welcome Show with the presentation of two traditional dances Mazurek and Polonaize- the teachers were invited to perform the dances together. Students of the host school a prepared vocal and dance performance presenting the development of Polish music over the last two centuries.
School tour included showing the display on the Music Corridor, visiting classrooms as well as talking to students and staff. In the school library guests saw a rehearsal of a training ballet being prepared as part of a performance during the 8th grade Prom party.
Djembe percussion workshop in the Old Town in the Rother’s Mills- this activity aimed at establishing positive relations between the teachers involved. The workshop took place in the Old Town of Bydgoszcz and was conducted by a teacher from the host institution. During the walk around the old town, sacral and defensive monuments of Bydgoszcz were presented.
The presentation of each partner school- all partners prepared PPT presentation of their organizations. Poland and Romania prepared video presentations made by the students.
Choosing the project logo – teachers were choosing between the 3 most popular designes from voted by students through the Google Forms questionnaire in an international vote.
Establishing common standards for project documents, reporting and dissemination activities, according to the application form
Presentation the Polish education system and discussing the differences and similarities between our educational systems.
Discussing the criteria for students who were chosen for the project and the criteria for the students who will participate in the two LTTAs in Romania and Turkey.
Participating in Music Therapy in Education workshop carried out by a professional music therapist, singer and mindfulness coach Mrs Daria Turowska-Makoś. The therapist also led a seminar about the benefits of music and musical activiteis on the studets at risk and about the importance of music on education. By means of this seminar we made the teachers aware of the power of music on personal and academic development of the students at risk ad encouraged them to use music as an alternative education method at their schools.
Presenting the project website, and fb fanpage (coordinator) and eTwinning site „Musical Journey” (Romania) as means of disseminating the project results and promoting the „Love Music, Love Yourself!” project
Establishing the work plan for the future activities, the division of responsibilities, the shared responsibilities for the two intellectual outputs of the project, planning the online meetings of the coordinators of each partner school as well as planning the dates of the next mobility with students
Study visit to Fryderyk Chopin Centre in Szafarnia with a piano concert- guest learned about the life and career of Fryderyk Chopin and had the chance to admire oil paintings exhibition related to Chopin’s life.
Evaluation TPM by applying a questionnaire through Google forms
Farewell party- the host organisation invited the guests to take part in the 8th Prom party – it gave the teachers the chance to see the students in a friendly environment, talk to them and find out more about the Polish culture and customs.

Love music, love yourself!
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.