Second LTTA MOBILITY in Izmit, Turkey

Second LTTA in Mehmet Sinan Dereli Secondary School in Izmit, Turkey
In the period 08-12.05.2023, the second LTTA was held within the Erasmus+ strategic partnership "Love music, love yourself!". The LTTA activities were attended by 2 teachers and 4 students from each partner school, the strategic partnership implementation team and students from the host school. The activities organized by the host school (stage performance of the students, rhythm workshop, study visits, game, music resitals, folk dance , preparing posters) followed the theme (Playing different musical instruments on the stage) and were carried in the school atmosphere, natural space (Ormanya, Natural Life Park), cultural, historical institutions (Palaces, mosques, Science and Art Center, Maulawi House, Paper Factory Museum etc.) The activities began with visiting the host school, getting to know the project implementation team, the students, participating in the welcome show. Identifying the Ottoman music band and their welcoming performance, presenting the Turkish education system and teaching methods of music to the secondary school students.In the welcome show, the host school students introduced the representative music and folk dances of Turkey. The Turkish folk dance “halay” is a symbol of communion. So, the students and teachers of all partner schools were invited to the stage to perform this dance. Different kind of Turkish special snacks were prepared for the guest students and teachers.A study visit to Historical Peninsula in İstanbul was organized.Together with some of the host school’s students and teachers they had chance of visiting historical, cultural places, palaces, mosques, bazaars, etc. By this way, the students and teachers obtained information about old Turkish rulers, their achievements, their life styles.This activity contributed the students and teachers’ knowledge about a different country’s history, culture, life styles. Students strengthened their relation as a team and it also helped them develop communication and cooperation skills. Students and teachers came together on the stage to perform a Rhythm Workshop presented by a music therapist. In this workshop they kept rhythm all together. With this activity they learned to create their own rhythm. By adding a different rhythm on each other’s rhythm they created a big rhythm in the end. With this activity, especially the students learned to become a part of the whole. In this workshop they had the chance to learn about different kind of percussion instruments prepared by the therapist. With this workshop the teachers also learned to use different percussion methods and it will help them use these methods in their own schools and with their own students. Students came together on the stage to play different instruments. With different instruments in their hands, they played the same song. With this activity they tried to show that despite the differences and different situations, the music combines them in one point. It also developed their team work skills and their self- esteem. By performing a stage performance the students had a chance to present their talents in front of a crowd and being applauded by them increased their sense of achievement.The partricipants visited House of Maulawi where musical instruments played in Mevleviyeh were presented. They saw an example of a combination of religion and music. While touring around this house, they listened the music of Maulawi and felt its relaxing and mystic effect.The students of all partners made a musical trip to Ormanya, National Life Park by singing Ode To Joy song among the trees. In this forest park, among all the tones of green , they sang their song all together.

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